Khenchen Parchhimbha Dorjee Rinpoche

H.H. Khenchen Lama Rinpoche was unusually compassionate and enjoyed meditation as a very young child. His mom, Urgen Drolma, who has passed to Paranirvana, was an advanced Dzogchen practitioner. She strongly encouraged him to undergo rigorous study and practice. On her advice, Rinpoche undertook twenty-five years of traditional Tibetan Buddhist study. This included philosophy, meditation, logic, medicine, astrology, languages, grammar, lexicography, dance, and drama. He also spent a cumulative total of four years in solitary retreat.

In 1997, in Rinpoche’s final years of his initial formal education and training, he received the title of Khenpo. After further study, in 1999, he received the title of Khenchen. In 2001, after further study, H.H. Drigung Kyabogon Chetsang Rinpoche, Phagdru Insititute, Kathmandu, Nepal, also conferred the Khenchen title on Rinpoche. Since then, Rinpoche has taught in America, Europe, and Asia.

H.H. Khenchen Lama Rinpoche’s activity now continues his Paddling Terser Lineage that began with H.H. Padma Dragngag Lingpa.

Rinpoche has revealed many Treasures. These Treasures are in three divisions: ‘La’ which are Guru Yoga meditations; ‘Dzog’ which are Dzogchen tantras and ‘Thuk’ which are yidam practices. These are the focus of his teachings and writings.

His Holiness also teaches in the Rime tradition which utilizes the teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha and other Tibetan Buddhist Masters.

H.H. Khenchen Lama Rinpoche states that the Paddling Terser covers all Nine Yanas or levels of Tibetan Buddhism from Sutra to Atiyoga. That is, it has the entire path by which a beginner can have enlightenment rapidly.

H.H. Khenchen Lama Rinpoche’s motivation this life is to share the profound teachings of this direct lineage from Guru Rinpoche with those who are interested in Tibetan Buddhism and meditation training. This direct lineage has led yogis and yoginis to complete freedom from suffering and to enlightenment over the past twelve centuries.